Monday, July 16, 2007

Quiz Quiz xd

I looks quite dark,
But my heart is white,
I really dont bark,
Nor will i ever bite =p

Who is this xd

I looks like a fool,
I laugh like a fool,
I think like a fool,
I talk like a fool,

Who is this xd

I know a lot of girls,
But not one is mine,
As if they are blind,
Makes my eyes whirls

Who is this xd

I really am not wide
I dont rely on my fist,
Rather on knowledge,
That is why i am first.

who is this xd


Sonaco said...

This person must be...... me? lol..

Revio said...

1st person is kok ket
2nd person is jin hang
3rd person is me
4th person is darren

livelifedead said...

Answer all 4 see who can guess all same like me xd

HK said...

so damn tough the quiz.
4 people right? So that means..

correct? i think i'm wrong. denggggg why la so hard.

Sonaco said...

1st is me,
2nd is jin,
3rd is kev,
4th is zs.

-jinz- said...

first is kk
second is me
third is kevin
lastly is ben

livelifedead said...

bwhahahaha xd so far every1 full blast kevin one correct
bwahhahahah xd

HK said...

ok.. means 4th is darren? Since the first three.. all have been answered at least one by other people..

Ahhh tembaklah

must be correct now. Right right?

BenSima said...

1st KK
2nd JH? cause he laugh like a turkey fool
3rd kevin
4th ZS or darren hmm..... sure not RUDY.... ok la ZS

kItlOu said...

dem why am i so famous...
1st shud not be coz i m nt dark n i bite

2nd sure rudy...coz impossible he say ppl looks like a fool

3rd kev la

4th guess its ky