Sunday, April 20, 2008

Time For A Competition

Alright here's what I propose, since everyone has pretty much seen each other's driving styles, let's all be frank about it k.

There are a couple of categories up for grabs here.

Overall Best Driver
Safest Driver
Most Skillful Driver (most daring, speedhog, insane, reckless)
Sexiest Driver

Nominations go into the comments box please. Judges would preferably be people who have sat on most cars (and do not drive/drive less often).

Any other categories please do write down, and feel free to edit the post, but note your name down for any edits.

Have fun! Oh and results will be tabled when everyone posts up their vote/nomination or whatever u call it and we count them.


HK said...

to save space here's my nomination/vote or whatever you call it.

Overall Best Driver
Fred -> Darren -> Me -> Jinz -> KK -> Justin -> Kevin -> ZS -> Ben? -> KY -> Rud?

Safest Driver
ZS -> Me -> Darren -> Fred -> Jinz -> KK -> Kevin -> Justin -> ????

Most Skillful
Justin -> Kevin -> Jinz -> Fred -> Darren -> Me -> KK -> ???

Jinz -> Justin -> Fred -> KK -> Me -> Darren.

Preferably guys if u rank them nicely we'd try our best to get everyone into the rankings.

Revio said...

safest, most skillful, sexiest, overall

me > me > me > me > me

HK said...

fuk u revio.

kItlOu said...

ill just put 3 vote for each:


most skillful:


HK - i dun need a daring, speedhog, insane, reckless driver...i need to be safe and sexy...

BenSima said...

Best Driver should be the one who fetches me the most, and that would be Kevin / KY, followed by Justin. The rest of you suck.

Safest Driver should be ZS>Jin>Fred>Darren, on basis of low speed and secondly, experience. The least safest is Justin, i feel like dying everytime i ride wit him.

Most skillful(at the expense of safety) is probably Justin, since he has been the only human to have ever sucessfully broken the sound barrier (aka Mach 3) on a cheapass gay car Perodua Myvi, and better yet, survived till this day. Rudy probably has the lowest skills, cause he is the only one who hasn't driven.

Sexiest would be a hard one to judge. I'd prefer voting a girl in actual fact, but then if i were to choose a guy, I'd say Kitlou because of his sizzling HOT looks. Imagine, seeing Rain / Koo Tin Lok in a car during traffic jam. Wow, all ur DULAN-ness will just dissapear the moment u see him.

I propose adding a new category: Most Cars Totaled. I vote myself. Go crash ur cars if u guys wanna beat me on this.

HK said...

actually if I really saw Rain in KL during a traffic jam, I'd beat him up for his handsome face because of dulan.

Why! Why must be so handsome! Why is your nose bigger than mine!

BenSima said...

wrong. my nose pwns all

Revio said...

pinocchio's nose pwns more

-jinz- said...

i have set in all cars..therefore my

overall best
fred (because he is going to buy a nice sports car soon in US)
--> Hk ( Cause he drives me around)
--> Darren (Cause he is good)

zs (60km/h most of the time)
-->kk (70km/h)
-->ky (70km/h) like father like son

most skillful driver
justin ( i experienced near death before a lot of times)
--> kevin ( i experienced a few times)
--> fred ( i like his car radio stations)

sexiest driver
rudy..cause he been trying to drive..imagine rudy the billionaire driving

livelifedead said...


overall best driver will be DARREN Yap Jia Xiong cuz he is 2nd best in all events except the sexiest
2nd spot jin hang

Safest driver will be Zheng shan i sit in all your cars b4 and i ll say zheng shan safest. 2nd will be jin hang though i hate his non stop breaking

Most skillfull will be dat idiot justin tay who always speed around and drive recklessly but can reach safely (tough competitor will be kevin but justin faster)

Sexiest driver will be non other than YKK xd the leng cai

BenSima said...

yesss YKK ftw sexiest

Revio said...

for some reasons i feel good being second for the 1st time o.O
looks like there are some awards u rather not be in the list

and yea YKK FTW

Anonymous said...

i vote myself for all categories

Anonymous said...

i vote myself for all categories

Revio said...

be more original

HK said...

is that fred?

lol said...

wtf i don't drive THAT recklessly. drama-kings

lol said...

Overall Best Driver-darren
Safest Driver-me
Most Skillful Driver- -none
Sexiest Driver-none

jukebox said...

Following kitlou's format:

Safest Driver
Hmmm.. feels so tempted to choose myself.. but that would sound a bit like "anonymous" wouldnt it?

Anyway, I always thought (and still do) that Darren is safest all along.

So my vote goes to him.

1..> Darren
2..> ZS
3..> HK

Most Skillful Driver (most daring, speedhog, insane, reckless)

1 ..> Justin (undisputed champion -- travelling 100km/h - and still accelerating - over a barely visible puddle of water at midnight, and the passengers still live to tell the tale) [category: reckless]

2 ..> Freddy (controls the pedals while his co-driver handles the sterring wheel - superb coordination)[category: skillful]

3..> Jinz (dunno why oso.. maybe because turning corners with an Atos looks skillful)[category: car control, as opposed to ball control]

Sexiest Driver
One vote needed only..
Our only celebrity - Korean kootinlok or Chinese Rain?

Sexiness can vary tremendously within the same day. Especially with the current weather conditions/trends.

Looks sexy only when raining. In hot weather, sexiness decrease by 95%. In heavy thunderstorms, sexiness increase by 250%.

Overall Best Driver
Hmmm... i have not vote anyone twice yet so far..


1..> Darren
2..> Freddy
3..> HK

((based on impressions as a passenger))