Thursday, January 3, 2008

Best Taxi?From Japan of coz...

No more boring trips in a taxi anymore,looking out of the window for lousy scenary,taking a half nap and talking to a boring,old and uncool taxi driver.Everything becomes so creative and imaginative when it comes to JAPAN.Now u can actually have tremendous fun and have a great ( for guys) companion along with you in a cab.


Over in Ishikawa Prefecture, a taxi company is offering a maid taxi service, appropriately called "Maid Taxi" (so clever). 5,700 yen (US $50) an hour gets you a chauffeur, a maid and a PS3 equipped cab that comes with Virtual Fighter 5, Ridge Racer 7 and Hot Shots Golf 5. Passengers can also watch DVDs and listen to MDs.{quoted from}


If there is such service in MSia....well i feel sorry for the maid.


Sonaco said...

Wah... actually wad is the maid for den? =.="

BenSima said...

"If there is such service in MSia....well i feel sorry for the maid."

because let u outrage their modesty nonstop?

Revio said...

The maid is to accompany those customers la. It is just like a maid cafe where otakus and justin look-alikes are attracted to.