(no subject)
Hmm.. April 28. That's a little over a week since the last post.
Anyway dunno what to post so i post this commercial/advertisement.
Hmm.. April 28. That's a little over a week since the last post.
Anyway dunno what to post so i post this commercial/advertisement.
1 thing for sure is this game have evolved from hard to defend to impossible to defend LOL
1. the russain have motor bike - can switch to artillery or moloktov = fast attack no matter how u garrison or what tower u have it wont work as the mortar range as far as tesla coil = all starting tower useless
the moloktov will burn garrison so yeah fast attack is possible now with soviet xd
they got this new tanks that shoot lots of rocket, 4 of it fight 3 guardian tank and 2 ifv = 1 lost and those tanks lost badly swt
now the allies - they gain a nice plain that hover the air and can shoot a splash attack which deal alot dmg to tanks and buildings, it is tested against anti air turrets well it win big time but yeah this thing still killable allthough it got auto regen
empire of the rising sun got this new robot that can chop up tanks and a nice water fortress that hav tons of hp but suck against air as the missle dont deal much dmg but when it transform, it shoot a wave of laser that destry or at least deal half dmg to anything along the line swtnessss
so yeah the strategy in dis game dont change much = preassure them fast and building turrets = waste of cash lol xd
1.Never strike the strongest target and ignore the rest
-in the olden days is true when general fell down whole army retreat
in the present, every1 always want to get to be the top so.... the more u whack the boss the more the udnerling will gang you up xd
(thats modern thinking)
in war terms, is not worth it at all because assume the boss is at the center and u charge through, the 1 on the left and right will wipe u 1st b4 u reach the boss xd
(thats warlike thinking xd)
rational thinking will say why bother fighting 3 when you only need to fight 2 xd
in other words wipe out what can be wiped out to make life easier later LOL
(thats rational)
MONASH give us a cute and half holiday of 7 days xd
(called it a half) cuz there is still some stuff to do xd
I am gonna go frenzy now WHO S WITH ME xd
Anyohhaseyo.....suddenly feels a click to review movies since TV is the shits. No worries the first movie i review is a western movie. Although this movie is not a new one but i think its a must watch comedy : TROPIC THUNDER .
I wasn't a fan of Ben Stiller's movie as Adam Sandler's Click pawns everything else. But this movie attracts me because Stiller hired the actor of IRONMAN : Robert Downey JR. He rox man...seriously he rox. And he had to act as a black man in the show...dem rox man...dem rox.
Ok this show is about this group of people fighting in a Vietnam war. Ok thats all.
Note: Not that i don't want to tell u more about the movie. But i don't wanna spoil this movie. Dun even google/wiki about this movie. Dun see the back cover when u buy the dvd/vcd/tape. Just watch the damn movie.
Movie Score : 9/10