Friday, December 26, 2008


Hmm its been awhile since I last blogged (lolx) ANYWAY today is a very memorable day as it’s the day where my anime collection expanded once again. Partly due to the anime warehouse sales behind my house. Take a look at the amount of anime dvds I bought.


Oo forpurchasing above RM500 got a free Cloud figurine (RM200)

And here is the bill:

oh I forgot to mention this is the total price AFTER an 80% discount off the DVDs. Try imagining if there wasn’t a discount. A rough estimate of the price before discount is RM1.6k.

AHAHAHA Man I never spent so much on anime goods in my life. Hahaha, oh and it so happens that I broke their sales record. The DJ working there was hyped and I had one of the most embarrassing moments of my life thanks to him. While I am carrying a box (as in those cardboard box) FULL OF ANIME, with several free poster gifts dangling on the end of my fingers (in plastic bags) and a free cloud figurine for spending above RM500 in which the storekeeper helped me carry to my car, the DJ announced my purchase through the megaphone >.> “We have a record breaker, with a purchase of RM724!! , oh he is walking out form the counter zone, oh my god look at the amount of goods he bought, come on give him a clap!” *staffs and other buyers claps* THAT WAS CRAZILY FUCKING EMBARRASSING >.< (The shopekeeper was very kind too as I lost my saiyuki dvd there *probably dropped off the box* and she just gave me a new one without charging me lolx, so kind of her)

On another note Joo Sin came to my house with a 1TB external hard disk. Well it is VERY pleasant to see another crazy anime otaku besides myself. We exchange some anime (the some comes in hundreds of gb), just the transfer alone took half the day 7+ hrs? and his collection expanded to around 700 gb and mine to around 600 gb (trust me if I have that external harddisk mine would hit 800 gb). Here is the screenshot of the completed and arranged series that I have (not including those that I feel lazy to arrange, those that are still ongoing, and those single to a few epi OVA).

Man I think I can open an anime library >.>

That’s all folks.

Monday, December 15, 2008


fill in the blank for all the cheat i think u mght use before from various games

11.warp_____ me the _____
13.somethign for ______ ______ wall
16.______ cwal
17.photon _____
18.______ gathering

the ten SER man is doing an operation. called operation sheep age. It involves rescuing the good spy who was disgusised as a man who make money by making pizza. Jack the spy, have been overwhelmed by the dead that carry shiny spoons. Since then, all communication is down and jack's survival is always ont heir thought xd.
(extract 19 words from the pharagraph and answer)
1- 3 correct = either you are not a cheater or you dont know how
4 - 7 correct = you cheated only what you need
8 - 12 correct = half of the game you sure cheat swt and congrats you know how to look for it
13 - 16 correct = congrats you are offically a big cheater and thank the webby and ppl who tell u the cheats xd
17- 19 = either you (super big cheater) used the cheat too often till you remmember or you googling skill is good.

P.S all these games every one will play it at least once or at least head of it or see it in my house xd except maybe AOE xd

Saturday, November 29, 2008

~[Riddles]~ BLACK = hint

What is forever black but without the appearance of light and a solid, it can never exist?

What u wear to replace something that you have lost that protect your head from bad weathers?

what is black but may not be black in colour?

what 1400 english men wore to make them looks clean and tidy to parties?

how many times man in black have to whack whack whack his black back pack as his black back pack packed with a black back pack to turn ito a black back pack packed with a black back pack?

DBKL people will say this, what is that? are those planes?, is that a rubbish bag? No is them, Shoot em dead. (what are those?)

If u dont have me in your car say hello to overheated engines xd

What is chinese contribution to the world that still be used today (if u answer not things that is not black in colour dont bother cuz is wrong xd)

some people see me as a black solid but in truth, some part of me is transperant what am i?

what word is so simillar to the word black but have 1 letter misplaced with n?

For those people who have answered or lazy to answer
-the word black
-heat abosorber(ask enginner for this i forget msot of my science stuff)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Which do you prefer?

Choose wisely :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As u guys already know, RED ALERT 3 is out.
But sadly, i rather say is a dissapointment rather than a joyfull thing.
First off all we will talk about the casting of the characters inside RA 3.
Besides empire of the sun, the soviet and allied Leutenants are 100% wrongly chosen for the job.
What i mean is what kind of leutnant right in the middle of war will wea a low cut uniform ( showing the breast line) and a skiert which i think only few cm away from showing her underwear. Not to mention a teenage girl accent for those party type girls is like what a party girl doing in a coomand center (BIG SWT).
After that is the way they speak, in any show or any game (u can name all of it) there is no single femal commanding officer (leutenant and above) spoke like a girl talking to her friends during overnighting or behave like some model (eg sit on the table and pose liek a model.
The best part is like all we know since RA tanya DOES NOT Style her HAIR or put MAKE UP but guess what, RA3 the tanya looks like just come from a saloon. Is damn amazing how she maintain her hair after all the action.
For allied, i think the general and the president role should be swapped, the general sounds like a guy who is indecisive while the president is too manly or brute to be behind the desk.
Now about the game play, there is a 100% imabalance for all the units in RA3 the new GI = peace keeper can take ANY starting infantry without any problem so basically if u have 10 peacekeepr to camp at opponent base before tanks come out that guy can just quit the game swt.
The other thing is the tank now is weaker than an infantry (ANOTHER BIG SWT) d old tanks in RA2 can always with stand 1 on 5 infantry but believe it or not the new tanks cant even stand 1 on 4 unless the tank ram those guys.
ANd the most godlike thing in RA3 is our beloved TERROR DRONE. the old ones is not that strong because each time it is hit, it will slow down but guess what ladies and gentleman, now it can SWIM and TONS of HP and WAY HIGHER MSPD so if u got 10 of those say bye bye to any enemy tanks or infantry or ships u name it all gone.
the other part will be the country, RA1 have 6
RA2 have 8 or 10
AND GUESS WHAT, RA 3 only got 3 clap your hands
and now they make a game into such where numbers cant win but without numbers U will also lose LOL. they have plenty of super power to use so the more numbers u have the more it is wasted. But if u go for quality well it is worse because all the thinks now have an armour made of plastic which means any infantry in a group of 10 can whoop any thing u give them.
But thats not all ladies and gentleman, the super weapons is 100% imabalnce. Allied supper weapon can whoop a standard base (con yard, refinary , barracks, airfield, plants and battle lab) but empire of the sun can only dmg 1/2 of it and soviet can dmg 3/4 at most
So practically if use allied jsut get yourself a nice defense and wait for 6 mins and say big goodbye to your opponent.
The other rubbish thing is Allied planes is now as fat as 1/2 kirof in other words there is no way u can shoot all down. In the old RA2 1 flak cannon can whoop 3 planes down which means 3/4 got whooped but the new 1 cant even kill 1 effictively (the plane drop a bomb and u turn only it is shot down) and now th allied have the new plane which is even more gay as it run faster than kirov, 3/4 hp of kirov and drop 5 bombs so sending 4 of it can whoop a con yard any time with 0 casualities aint it amazing
And the system change to command and conquer to make yourlife more busy playing it
Overall my command will be like this, the one who attack 1st WIN and the one who on defensive will jus get whooped back to back with lil gains

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Boring tag game zzzzz

RULE: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.NO TAG backs!

1. does not sleep late

2. not obsessed with ichinose

3. not trying to level up (otaku level)

4. not obsessed with clannad

5. likes Sanae's bread

6. obsessed with hitode (starfish)

7. will not laugh like hell when Fuuko goes "Koko kyo kekokeokyo"

8. likes drawing anime to procrastinate

i'm not gay

10. otaku lvl 15

11. not interested in One Piece

12. technology noob

13. have such noob download speed (0kbps - 5kbps) "yes i'm facing dis crap everyday in mirc"

having noob streaming speed in crunchyroll too

15.not, i repeat NOT obsessed with "dango, dango dango, dango, dango, daikazoku"


1. Kitlou
2. Revio
3. Jinz
4. Rudz
5. Darren
6. Nagisa-Chan (de otaku guy)
7. Benz
8. ZS
9. Kotomi-Chan
10. Lelouch/Zero/Lulu

edit by KITLOU:

i think this fkin inferno misunderstood the tag that is to list dwn ur habits...not what u dun wan to be ur habit or weird stuff.mine is below:

1. always sleep after 4am

2. switch on computer and surf the net everyday

3. watch tv everyday

4. download torrent everyday

5. play fifa everyday

6. obsessed with akiho yoshiz*wa

7. log to lowyat forum everyday to see updated console news/chat

8. read comic everyday b4 sleep

9. curse the lecturers b4 goin to uni everyday

10. eating supper/chips at 12am everyday

11. always wake up after 1pm

12. futsal enthusiast who wants to kick balls everyday

13. refresh everyday more than 10 times

14. always pawn people till they leave in dota (yes i am out of idea already) tvb dramas everynite

TAGGED 15 of my GF : cherie, linda, fala, acky, stephy, jojo, yin, yoko, jessica & charmaine.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Proverbial Amusement

Boring boring boring. I'll just post some random stuff.

Anyway, I came across this joke the other day while surfing at Cherating.

Q: What is the difference between a misfiring marksman and a constipated owl?

A: One shoots but can't hit, and the other hoots but can't sh*t.

And then there's this quote:
War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.

Creative? But my favourite one has got to be this all too familiar proverb, due to the alternate misinterpretations possible.

"A bird in hand is worth two in the bush"

So, do you think a bird is better in hand, or do you prefer that they stay in the bush (twice?!) ?

Monday, October 13, 2008

nice videos taken by me.

if u got nothing to both.if the 2nd one.

Friday, October 3, 2008

WTF 8888

Hello guys,

I did a check on the JPJ's website today for latest plates.

Today's is..


I think by next year, it'll be past WSx, and then WTx. So when it reaches WTF xxxx, can someone please buy a car, then we can ride it everyday just because the car plate's freakin cool.

Alright, that's all. Byebye.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


How to execute a long-range throw-in:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wii is good for health.

Thats why its the highest selling console for this generation.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Lets try to win that damn gladiator map >.<
we need a few heroes
1. berserker
2. storm catcher
3. fell knight
4. archer
and the rest anything

Friday, September 12, 2008

KK is gay.

He may seem nice on the outside, but look at the thing he does when he's horny.

Monday, September 8, 2008

How to disturb ppl msn xd

first open your mail box
then type in anything int he msg box
then type in all the same e maila dress
eg: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v\ ; ; ;

then his email notifier will blink as many times as dat xd

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Return Of The Chef

Firstly i wanna say sry for not updating my chef menu in blog but i was very busy since last month because of the olympics. My friend, Michael wants me to his personal chef for the entire olympic because he do not like the food in Beijing and he obviously enjoy and love my food.

So this is one of the food i cook for him so that he can swim faster.Below is what u need:


Either noodles/rice will do.



1) Ok first fry the fish until the colour becomes as epik as the right photo.

2) Make the fish into slices using your own way.It may take u several hours if u are a noob and be careful to take off the bones too.


4) Add the noodles/rice into the combo.Habis!

Thats all for today.This is another healthy and easy menu recommendation to you all.TQ.Lastly my friend wanna say something:

"Without you i wont win, THANK U KITLOU!"

Monday, August 11, 2008

Why must people update their stuff just to make thigns worst?

As we all know we the users have to update our client, game, version in order to still use the service provided.

But the big question is why msut they create a tiny update for their so called bug issue or to make it looks more cool just to messed it up even worse?

For example, the new dota 6.54b well it is said that they fix the various bug detected in 6.54. But the truth is, the frst game itself already have bugs (BIG SWT).

And why all this happen? Just because some one said oh well lets make the character attack more cool or the skill more cool.

Same goes to gg client. Before this, loggin in to gg client take lest than sec. But with the new constatnt update, there is:
1. lag everywhere
2. some room cant work
3. client cant go in
4. is even more laggy to go inside the same room
5. they remove the function that allow you to listen that your friends already created the game
6. loading the home page is even longer.

The other bad example of updates is our beloved messenger
in the l days msn 3.0 - 6.0 we dont have dat much peroblem as file cant be delivered or cant sign in
But with brand new 7.0, some days we can't log in and some people cant receive the file after a damn long time transfer swt

This lead to one question, why must people itchy hand change something good to a very bad thing but loosk slightly cooler?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Todays outing to Old town kopitiam

Today we jedi council of 8 out of 11 meet up in old town kopitiam opposite of taman midah
those who came today are:
Freddy Chew
Haow Kang
Jin Hang
Kevin Chan
Justin Tay
Kok Yuen
Kok Ket

And Guess of honour
Chiristine chan
Tong Kezzane

This old town kopitiam is famous cuz it open 24 hours

Now the spooky part all of us at least cross the cemtry by acciden exceot for tong kezanne

is dark adn have green light jsut liek those spooky movies

then we yum cha and all ended at 12.00 sharp xd

reported by number 22 xd

Thursday, July 24, 2008


A (pronounced "eh") football clip

Fantastic finish by Daisuke Matsui (Le Mans) against Monaco.

Lol #2

Just something I forgot to put up in a while.

A little bigger.

It wasn't my idea ok. Don't beat me up.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Some funnies

Mission: to turn this Blog into a Vlog

It's a 10-minute clip from Lam Hoi Fung's (林海峰) concert.
Song starts at 4.50 (or -5:30).

And that's "cincai" post #131 to temporarily stop the rot.

Monday, June 9, 2008

28th JUNE 2007

28th JUne 2007
19 days from the time this post was posted
sp please dont say i say last minutes =p

my sis, Mira will have a birthday party,
No need bring any gift just bring yourselves
All are invited to come
and psl come unless:
1. family sick and need 2 visit
2. got family annual dinner
3. anything else relating family
4. ownself got physical or mental injury till cant walk
5. got something better to do xd

ALL means all xd so i expect u guys to come xd

I asked permission for u all to overnight xd
3 bed room again - 1 room 3/4 ppl -2/3 on bed + 1 on sleeping bed

and dis time i am buying sleeping bead so no one sleep on the floor

things u need to bring :
1. personal medication
2. towel, tooth brush, underwear = personnal hygine
3. shirts and pants = clothes
4. yourself
5. if u worry can bring own pillow and blanket xd
6. swimming trunks
7. goggles
8. hand phone charges (incase not enough)

How to come?
1. i suggest u all car pull
2. i pick u all from ssg or futsal place kua

the day after dat breakfast provided mostly breads and of course choclate for kevin xd

amount of cash to bring = u like

dinner provided
breakfast provided
supper = junk food or ice cream provided / include some fruits xd

CONFIRM ASAP so i can decide how many sleeping bed i should buy =p and THANKS FOR READING IT =p

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Initial K

\\\\Pls read from top to bottom, left to right. (sry for the low quality tho)

Wish you all a very happy day staying at home.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Chinese Commercial

I dunno what to put as title. Anyway, here's post number 128.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First step into Hollywood



Saturday, May 10, 2008

Don't we just love free things?


Source: Flickr

(Click on the pic to get a clearer image, I dunno why it seems slightly distorted form the original)

Free! ...And you don't even have to buy anything!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

KITLOU VS Colbert (dun edit my title again)

I was strange why no one congratualated me on this.guess u guys doesnt read news..shame on u. So i am kind enough to post these so that u know that i m truly famous around the globe.

Are u feeling hot now?

Friday, May 2, 2008

JC clan hero team in Ap

If we do ever reach the level to make clan AND involve in clan war i request that each of u submit your fav 3 heroes from each branch ( AGI, INT and STR)
All are required to submit no exemption except John ( i doubt he play at all)
And xd is a contest to see which hero is most famous for each group so =p
btw 6.52 is out =p

Monday, April 28, 2008

This is the American/Your dream.

I can't resist but to put this up.Pls be honest for the age verification though. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Results 26/4

Assuming everyone has voted already, here's the compiled results. The methodology used is uh, counting the number of votes for the particular person and the number of #1s and so forth.


  1. ZS: 5x #1 and 1x #2. (6 votes)
  2. HK: 2x #2 and 2x #3. (4 votes)
  3. Darren: 1x #1, 1x #3. (2 votes)
  4. Jinz & KK: 2x #2. (2 votes)
  5. Fred: 1x #3, 1x #4. (2 votes)
  6. Kevin & Justin: 1x #1. (1 vote)
  7. KY: 1x #3. (1 vote)

Most Skillful
  1. Justin: 6x #1. (6 votes)
  2. Kevin: 1x #1, 5x #2. (6 votes)
  3. Fred: 1x #2, 2x #3. (3 votes)
  4. Jinz: 1x #3. (1 vote)
  1. KK: 4x #1. (4 votes)
  2. Justin: 1x #1, 1x #2. (2 votes)
  3. Jinz, Kevin & Rud: 1x #1. (1 vote)
  4. HK: 1x #2. (1 vote)
  5. Fred: 1x #3. (1 vote)
Overall Best
  1. Darren: 3x #1, 1x #2, 1x #3. (5 votes)
  2. HK: 1x #1, 1x #2, 2x #3. (4 votes)
  3. Fred: 2x #1, 1x #2. (3 votes)
  4. Kevin: 2x #1 (2 votes)
  5. Jinz: 1x #2, 1x #4 (2 votes)
  6. Justin: 1x #2 (1 vote)
Result disputes are welcome, however for now these are the official results.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Self-produced wallpaper =D

Yay!!! Here I am again in conjunction with the dissection, another self-produced walllpaper was made hohoho. This time wallpaper featuring Maka! errr scythe ftw? I AM Kevin da Toad Reaper!

Equipments: This time only used adobe photoshop CS2

1st Step as usual.... Lineart (T.T)
This time i only took 1-2hrs maybe because the lineart for this character is easier as compared to Yami not to mention increased in proficiency in using the mouse ahahaha. Maka ftw? (to know who is maka go google Soul Eater)

2nd step, base colours !! (equally boring...oh least better that skeleton...)

Oh this is the most interesting step~ Effects! hohoho

Dam she looks so damn cool T.T (big ass weapon ftw, *croak* A TOAD !!REAP IT)
Hmm Ok there is 2 walls one made with purely photoshop just some blending of colours and fonts and the other was made by merging it with a CG found on deviantart.

1. 100% self-made
2. Merging with CGs.Ahhhh. Maka!!!! ^.^ (otakuness lvl-up?)
Another brilliant revio-lution of CG hohoho
(P.S: Ok the truth is i made it when i got bored of doing assignments. Seriously...Monash sucks..BADLY)


How big your meal can get with McD's:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bored nyawn !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!Quiz Quiz Quiz

1. What looks like a bird int he sky but not a bird

2. what look likes a star in the sky but not a star

3. what blunt sports item u cant play without in certain games but most dangerous

4. which ball can be used to play most games

5. which letter can create the most meaning

6. what thing replace the function of a candle

7. submarines are design based on what creature

8. what dangerous item can put out a fire

9. which creature get disected the most

10. which marine creature so valuable that every one wants it










1.aeroplane (sorry our "thing cant reach the sky')
2.satelite or aeroplane bat (no baseball without a bat)'s ball (it can play all types of games but bolley ball or basket ball cant be used as football)
5. letter x (it represents sensoring, dead (in otakuism contacts x-x), sex in sex contacts)
7. a whale
8. A granade (ask engineer how it works but it can work)
9. frogs (every where in the world the 1st thing ever get disected will eb frogs and frogs and frogs)
10. A whale even its dead body also malaysian university want to steal

Revio the Toad Reaper

On one fine day as usual, Kevin is doing his reports, and then suddenly he saw a black container on the table. When he took off the lid, he saw scalpels, forceps, scissors and many other tools for dissection. Out of a sudden he heard a voice "Use that to dissect frogs, be a ToadReaper", when he turn back he saw Ryuuku (refer to Death Note, in my case...Death Scalpel?) "I will REAP THEM ALL" said Kevin as if being possessed

He rushed off to the nearest pond and caught a toad, drown the toad in a CO2 filled container untill it faint and pinned down all 4 of its legs.

And played with the tongue....

"Shit its not the time to do this" suddenly getting over his humorous nature, he started skinning the toad. (Note: the toad is still alive, his body was twitching when the skin was cut)

Rip reap rip~ Sing kevin in a joyful manner.

Once he finished skinning its time to rip off the meat. (RAWR!!!!)

Kevin: Bardiche! Load Cartridge!!
Bardiche: Loading cartridge, barrier jacket impulse form, weapon mode "Death Scalpel"
Kevin : "Side Slash!"
Bardiche: Yes, sir!

Once he finish ripping the flesh, suddenly his sadistic nature took over *devilish laughter* He start to extract every single organ in the toad's body.
Time for the stomach.
(note: i can still c the heart beating and yea its still breathing, and yes obviously it's still alive...)

The end?

"Hmm....the heart is still pumping when it was extracted amazing" thoughts of admiration towards the toad rose in Kevin's mind. "But i took his life, dakara Ore-sama wa motto sugoi!" (translation: therefore, I am more amazing)
Ryuuku the Death Reaper suddenly appear and said "JOO are soo 1337"
Kevin took the blood stained scalpel and started to tear Ryuuku apart. "Ore-sama wa! KAMI da!!!" shouted Kevin in the process.

(note: yea the toad finally can rest in peace, Sorry T.T, a moment of silence to mourn for its death)

I am Kevin,
I love doing assignments and reports,
I just got a new report for ripping off the toad
I am kevin,
I love doing assignments.

- Like hell that's true-