Sunday, February 8, 2009

2 of our member chant to releive their stress xd

One day some one is overstress of supporting so he decided to use his final and most powerfull chant to releive his over stress and the chant as follows:
"You are the bone of your d*ck.
Steel is your d*ck, and fire is your semen.
I have created over a million sperms.
Unknown to death.
Nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to penetrating many pu$$*es.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray, 'Unlimited Dick Works'."

Adapted from Archer Fate stay Night
"I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to death.
Nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray, 'Unlimited Blade Works'."


Revio said...

apparently the real version for ky should be Limited sperm works, seeing how he only got bun lap (1/2) instead of the usual 2, he can only make a quarter, must've been miracle that he could produce over a million sperms.

Amazing how one's noble phantasm could be

livelifedead said...

mean thouz xd but he got breast so he win