Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dota Poll

Ok let me follow Hk too xd

Lets do it ith Dota xd

the field to be voted on are:


3.supporter lovers

5.str lovers

6.agi lovers

7.late game hero lovers




(no best player award cuz all oso inconsistent xd)


livelifedead said...

1. dis 1 sure kevin

2. Justin

3. Jin Hang

4. Kevin

5. Benjamin

6. Justin

7. Kok Ket

8. Kok Ket

9. Kevin xd

HK said...

1. ??
2. ??
3. ??
4. ??
5. ??
6. ??
7. ??
8. KK -Best lah TMNet 56k
9. ??

I dunno cuz i forgot u guys playing styles. The last time I consistently played with u guys was hrm.. form 5. lol.

BenSima said...

i agree with Rudy, but whats swappers? and wheres players like KY, Darren, Fred, HK, ZS lol?

no Jon. Who's Jon?

HK said...

probably -swap users. or who swaps the most? or maybe who's best at using VS's ulti.

Revio said...

for all of the above fields, Kevin
isn't he is like the best?

kItlOu said...

lag la.

Anonymous said...

i agree with kevin. Best at no.8!

-jinz- said...

1. kevin
2. justin
3. me
4. kevin
5. ky
6. rude
7. no one
8. kk
9. rudy
10. wtf is swapper? vengeful spirit?