A new day A new beginning
That's it! I am going to change to a whole new person from today onwards!
Have you encountered a day like this? telling yourself that it is time to change! Taking all the courage and guts to just do what you think it is right at that very moment of time. *I bet you have*
It is this leap that we take in our lives that makes us who we are now as compared as who we are in the past. Never ever judge a person based on the person who they are in the past but what they are in the present. It is in no doubt that the first impression is always the deepest; however the 9 out of 10, the first impression is always a disaster because we try too hard. *might not be true*
Life is impermanent. It exist in a space of a breath. Life ends when the breathing stops. So we must cherish every moment we have in the present!