Hmm its been awhile since I last blogged (lolx) ANYWAY today is a very memorable day as it’s the day where my anime collection expanded once again. Partly due to the anime warehouse sales behind my house. Take a look at the amount of anime dvds I bought.
And here is the bill:
oh I forgot to mention this is the total price AFTER an 80% discount off the DVDs. Try imagining if there wasn’t a discount. A rough estimate of the price before discount is RM1.6k.
AHAHAHA Man I never spent so much on anime goods in my life. Hahaha, oh and it so happens that I broke their sales record. The DJ working there was hyped and I had one of the most embarrassing moments of my life thanks to him. While I am carrying a box (as in those cardboard box) FULL OF ANIME, with several free poster gifts dangling on the end of my fingers (in plastic bags) and a free cloud figurine for spending above RM500 in which the storekeeper helped me carry to my car, the DJ announced my purchase through the megaphone >.> “We have a record breaker, with a purchase of RM724!! , oh he is walking out form the counter zone, oh my god look at the amount of goods he bought, come on give him a clap!” *staffs and other buyers claps* THAT WAS CRAZILY FUCKING EMBARRASSING >.< (The shopekeeper was very kind too as I lost my saiyuki dvd there *probably dropped off the box* and she just gave me a new one without charging me lolx, so kind of her)
On another note Joo Sin came to my house with a 1TB external hard disk. Well it is VERY pleasant to see another crazy anime otaku besides myself. We exchange some anime (the some comes in hundreds of gb), just the transfer alone took half the day 7+ hrs? and his collection expanded to around 700 gb and mine to around 600 gb (trust me if I have that external harddisk mine would hit 800 gb). Here is the screenshot of the completed and arranged series that I have (not including those that I feel lazy to arrange, those that are still ongoing, and those single to a few epi OVA).
Man I think I can open an anime library >.>
That’s all folks.